by Muireann
( Ireland)
My name is Muireann Drennan. Before attending Susanna I was quite anxious about certain things in my life with feelings of sadness and low confidence.
I was quite hard on myself also.
I wanted to tackle and release anxieties and feel lighter and happier in general.
I felt it was time to take control of my life as I was feeling somewhat stuck and crippled by my anxieties.
Previously I tried one session of hypnotherapy and EFT with little or no effect.
I found Susanna Sweeney was professional, supportive and caring.
She was also very thorough in her approach and our online sessions via Zoom worked just as well as the in person ones. I was unsure of working online initially.
I was able to identify the roots of my anxieties through the process and release myself from the emotions and trauma underneath.
I feel much relief after my program, much calmer and more confident. I feel lighter and happier in myself and don't put myself under pressure now.
The program has changed my life for the better.
I would be delighted to recommend Susanna.