Dr. Ronald Ruden- Havening Techniques® Co-Creator in Interview

I have had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Ronald Ruden about the history and background of his creation, Havening Techniques®.

Interview with Dr. Ronald Ruden- Co-Creator of Havening Techniques

Susanna Sweeney:  

Dr. Ruden, thank you so much for joining me here this evening. All the way over there in New York. I know it's much earlier in your day, I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy life. I know you're extremely busy man.

And I've asked you to talk to me because I want to find out a little bit more about his evening for our viewers. And so first of all to start with, I was wondering, would you attempt to give a concise definition on your understanding, of course, you are the co founder of Havening along with your brother.

So I am hoping you will have the definitive definition. Because sometimes it can be hard enough to understand, you know, I'm starting with the definition because sometimes it can be hard enough for people to grasp the whole idea of what heaven is about. So I thought this would be a good place to start.

dr ronald ruden havening

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well, it's a pleasure being here, Susanna, I am just so pleased that you have taken on the mantle of hastening and I'm sure you're going to be brilliant at doing it. Havening, what is Havening.

Havening is a form what we call psycho-sensory therapy, which means that we use sensory input, in this case touch to generate brainwaves, which act as therapeutic agents.

And these brains brainwaves we call electroceuticals. And they interact with neurons which are activated in the brain to depotentiate, that means to remove trauma from the brain. And it's very highly specific. So if you had a summarize, is a therapeutic modality, which allows us to remove trauma.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes, and indeed it does remove the trauma, which is also a very unique feature, which you don't see in other trauma therapies, so called trauma therapies. And I can attest to that from my own experience, because I always like to try things out on myself, before I use anything with clients. And I certainly had tremendous success, as you know, in removing a remarkable piece of trauma that I didn't even fully understand existed.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

During the process of understanding how to remove trauma, we also understood that we could use the same brain waves in a positive sort of way to build resilience, to build affirmational strength, and to provide for hopefulness.

So we using Havening have two arms, we have the arm of trauma removal, including things which produce chronic pain, chronic emotional states, and we have the arm which allows us to build resilience and, and affirmational states and emotional well being.

dr ronald ruden havening techniques

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes, and that is also fantastic because it doesn't require a trauma for somebody to attend a Havening session, wherever somebody is- wouldn't you agree it doesn't matter where they are in their lives, you can always get something out of it, something very substantial.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

It is it is a technique which allows people to become stronger within themselves. And the best part of it all from my point of view, is that it can be self employed. If the individual does not have to go see a therapist does not have to go deep into a discussion, solve these problems. I - for very complex and very significant trauma I urge them to see a certified practitioner. But for simple stuff, you can do it on your own and accomplish many wonderful things for your psyche.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes, indeed, and there will be a section that I will do somewhere on on that subject as to how people can support themselves this says happening.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

And it's also interesting to use it in terms of an emergency, let's say something happens that causes you great distress, you can apply heating to yourself at that time to prevent it from being encoded as a trauma. So it is also not only is it to remove trauma, not only is it as a positive state, but it also can be used as a preventative to prevent trauma from being encoded. So all of these three Things, removal. Growth and prevention are part of hazing.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes, absolutely remarkable. And no, I've talked a little bit with your brother about this already. But I was wondering whether you might give me your story as well. You've been working together on this form for many years yourself. And, Steve,

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

it's been working, probably around 17 years

Susanna Sweeney:  

round, 17 years. But at the very, very, very beginning, I believe there's a story there to be told, which involves Paul McKenna. And so I was going to ask you to give that story from your perspective?

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well, you know, it's I think it's also important that I even go back a little bit earlier than that, back in the 1980s, late 1980s, I was trying to understand addiction. One of the big problems we face in this country with the opioid epidemic, I was doing this back in the 1980s.

And what I recognized at the time was that it was what we call inhibiting the landscape of the brain, which was the most important thing which allowed for addictive behavior to occur. And I wrote a book on this called the craving brain, which showed, unfortunately, that we really at that time, back in the 1980s, late 1980s, early 1990s, were struggling with the idea that we could not remove escapable stress came from trauma.

And although we could use meditation, we could use yoga, we could use medications, for these sorts of things, or a for example, or to use those techniques, we could never finally cure anything because we couldn't remove the inescapable stressors would set the landscape for a craving response. So I really hadn't really almost no hope that I would ever find anything like this.

And then, you know, chance classically favors the prepared mind, as we say, I had spent a lot of time doing a lot of neuroscience on addiction. So I was truly prepared to hear Paul McKenna asked me whether I had ever heard of something called tapping.

We had we were walking on Central Park West, which is the west side, which walks along the park. And he and his current girlfriend, and myself and my wife, we were walking along and just chatting away. And he had asked whether I'd ever heard of tapping, and I had not. So being a very curious person, I went and got Roger Callaghan's book, which is called tapping the healer within and I read his book, and I chuckled my way through the book.

Because I couldn't imagine it was funny. How tapping on acupuncture points. Use the brain. It just it made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Right. But, you know, Paul thought this, there was something there. And Roger Callahan thought there was something there, and he wrote this book on it. So I thought, one day I was in my office and thought I would try it with one of my doctors.

And she had a cat phobia, and really significant cat phobia. And I said, Look, I got this book. I'm not sure it's gonna do anything, but it's not going to hurt and it may help, we should like to try. And I showed her the book. And I said, Well, I'm going to tap on your above your eyebrow, on your collarbone under your armpit. And I'm going to cure you as he's laughing as well. I said, What have we got to lose?

So I said bring up the cat and I actually had a kind of a thought in my mind even back then how I would present this I had presented as the cat was up on a staircase, ready to pounce. And that gave her an STD of around 10 and I opened the book garages book to that page for phobias and I on Papa Papa, papa, papa papa. And when I finished doing that, the STD was zero.

And she no longer had any fear associated with seeing the cat on the stairs. And to this day markable correct to this day. She no longer fears cats. I'm gonna go. That's very interesting. Now, I said so the next day Esther is still gone. She says yeah, and the day after, and the day after was still gone. And so now my curiosity was kind of little piqued.

So everyone who walked into my office, has you phobia with a phobia you And so what happened was I found five people with phobias. opened up the book, up, up, up, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. And all five phobias were cured. And I go, Well, this is really interesting. So I called Paul up and I said, cool. phobias. What's your experience? He says, There's something here, but I have no idea how it works.

And I'm very allopathic Lee Western neuroscience Lee trained. So I said to myself, must be in the literature something how this works. So I you know, that by that this is now the early 2000s. And so I went to the literature and I had become a quasi expert at database searching. So I looked to see if I could find an explanation of how this might work. And the only explanation was Roger Callaghan's explanation, which will explain typic databases of scientific research.

Right. And then he was Rogers idea that by tapping on acupuncture points, you were able to have ci flow through the meridians in a way, which corrected the what he called the perturbation of the, of the thought field. That's these were his words. And I couldn't understand it. How does tapping on an acupuncture point change the brain? And, and I was truly puzzled. And since there was nothing in the literature that could help explain this, in my own naivete, I decided, Well, why don't I solve the problem?

dr ronald ruden havening

Susanna Sweeney:  

No, you know, isn't what followed? Of course, you weren't prepared for what followed? Which was, how many 10 years of?

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well? Well, well, it was a little, little unfortunate parts of it were. I,

Susanna Sweeney:  

You spent, I believe, evenings upon evenings on the phone, correcting scientific research.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Correct. And so the idea here was that I had my old model of the brain is a big commission of neuro chemicals. And what they do is what's important.

And so in the beginning, I thought, Well, how do we, how do we do this, and there was a technique which was called inhibition of reconsolidation, which was very popular in the beginning of the 21st century, early 2000s, where they show that by activating memory, particularly traumatic memory, by activating this memory, and then by using protein synthesis inhibitors, they could prevent the memory from being reconsolidated and hence, the memory was no longer available to recall.

And I said, that's so brilliant. So that must be the mechanism by which capping must work. It must work by inhibiting reconsolidation of the memory. And so when you and I spent two years reading the entire literature on reconsolidation, and then I came across a paper, which had an exceedingly ugly fact, that ugly fact was that you had to wait six hours, after you've given the protein synthesis inhibitor for the effect to take place.

If you if you show the mouse rat, the human, the the the threat, prior to that six hours, was still reacting in a way which suggested that the memory was still intact. And we saw from using tapping, that, unfortunately, the memory went instantaneously away. We didn't have to wait six hours, it was immediate. So I started sweating profusely.

Susanna Sweeney:  

You had been down the wrong path for quite  a while...

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

 Well, we had spent a long time walking down exactly the wrong path. And I said well,

Susanna Sweeney:  

And then before you before you move on talk a little bit about I mean this, like you were working. You had a very busy working life. And then this was practically your hobby on the side talk a little bit about that really impact on your life.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well, I have a little sign here. I'll show it. Yeah. I'll pull it off my lamp here.

Susanna Sweeney:  

"My brain hurts."

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

And so well what happens when you see such phenomenal stuff. As we saw early on with the tapping. You become obsessed and so I went from an actually somewhat interesting human being, to a totally boring human being. I because that's all I wanted to talk about.

So I wanted to look at I mean it because I recognize that the potential here for good was just immense. So you are correct, I was working 12 hours a day in my practice, and which provided me essentially an infinite amount of clients to practice on. And I thank all my patients for not not laughing at me, as I go up, up, up, up, up, up up on their things on their bodies, to cure them of chronic pain, and all the other stuff that they had.

And the more I did this, the more I was astonished, and the more I really, really, really, really wanted to try to figure this out. So, you know, it's like anything else, the more if you really, truly want something, you'll find the time to do it. Right. Of course, you know, you have other other added impact

Susanna Sweeney:  

...even on your family life, I expect? Well,

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

I think that's true. And I, I am grateful to my wife for putting up with many years of, of boring her with actually, when I, when I had written the first book, when the past is a second book, The when the past is always present. I, she I said, I want you to read this. And I said, it's very technical. 

Susanna Sweeney:  

And I had a verybad spot here. And I'm at it says my internet connection is unstable, which is not great. Now, if you would just repeat the last 30 seconds of what you were saying.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Sure, I had by sometime in around 2008/ 2009. I had finished writing the mice book on on Haven and called when the past is always present. So I look.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Well, I did read your book, before I came to the Havening training.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

And so I asked you to read the book. And I said, No, just understand it's very technical. And you have to send my wife is absolutely brilliant woman. She takes it she takes it to when she gets her nails done. And she was reading the book while she was getting her nails done.

She finished the book before her nails were dried. And I said you couldn't have finished the book before the nails were dried, that's ridiculous. So I quizzed her on the book. And she got all the answers, right? Like I said, Alright, so now she understands it. Now she understands why I'm so obsessed by this, which was actually very, very nice.

Susanna Sweeney:  

This is an excellent story. Yeah. And Mickey gives a very good summary in that book of the whole world of trauma.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Yeah, of trauma. Well, we had to try that before we even understood how to get rid of trauma, we had to begin to put a model together and how trauma was encoded in the brain. And understand that this was still even in the book is still a very primitive version of what we now know where I'm seven years past, or not talking about nine years past the publication of that book.

And our understanding of this is is profoundly more deep and and we now know so much more. And it is just clarified our vision and how we can then use the techniques based on this neurobiological model. And we I was completely wrong. In the beginning, it wasn't the chemicals that made the difference. It was the electrical system of the brain that made the difference in these brainwaves which we were then able to harness as electroceuticals, which allowed us then to begin to understand how we treated trauma. And so we went to a completely different pathway, much to my surprise and enjoy.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes. And then, at some point, like when, when the lumen come where you realize what this may become, that you actually that these insights of more trauma is important that you might be in a position to use those to decode trauma.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well, to be honest with you, I didn't believe I would be able to get this out here. It was so wacky and so bizarre, having people home happy birthday and, and tap on coins and do these things. For a while I I was laughed at by my colleagues even when I cured them, they still didn't believe it.

And slowly this evolved because as I understood the biology more, I was able to translate this into what we now call Havening which is the transitive verb which means to put into a safe place, because like in trauma, you will not be traumatized if you feel that the event is escapable. And so it is a scary- then you don't have to worry about experiencing trauma.

And so what happens is when you bring back the memory of the event, and then could someone back into a safe place, the memory is no longer re encoded, in essence. And so but we finally figured out the details. And if you want, I can talk about that a little bit later. The details of the the neuroscience behind it, but it's published in the article harnessing electroceuticals in explore magazine, which is open content, you can just go on online, open it up and review our

Susanna Sweeney:  

It's your articles not correct. Yes. The scientifically peer reviewed all of that article. Yes, yes.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Yeah. And and that just got published. This month, it was it was online for about a year, but it just got published. I just got the hard copy of it this month. So I'm very excited.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Oh, excellent. I have as well. And whatever way it must have been available in the community. So I do have a copy of it. Right now. You have to read it. Yes,

I will study it over the next month when I'm away. So, yes, and so what what year, are we talking? When did this turn around, say calm when you started actually putting some of these things into practice and applying them?

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well, I think it's best to look at how I tried to spread the word. That's my dog. I like try to spread the word a little bit. And there was a conference I gave in 2012 to a few social workers.

And I did all the demos and did everything else and it went nowhere. And and even though they were absolutely blown away, in fact that that that presentation is on the the the CD which you get when you get your your kit, that was the first time I presented from soup to nuts, the what I thought was the final theory and I now know better that we will evolve over the course of time.

And but even that it just it had it got no traction. I mean, I was not a famous person. I was Ronnie Rutan on 65th street with internal medicine practice. So how dare I shake up the entire world with a new model for treat trauma. So it was a kind of a bust? And I then asked Paul McKenna,

Susanna Sweeney:  

...how was that for you? How was that for you? When?

Dr. Ronald Ruden  

Well, I've know that I've known Paul for a very long time, we've been saying, for years

Susanna Sweeney:  

and years, you're slaving away. You're researching something, you know, you've got something good. And then that's the response you get.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Not at all, I when you when you get to be a certain age, you you understand that these things just take longer than you think I you know, the idea that all sudden the world would stop and and and do this was not what my expectation was, my expectation was that this would be a hard fought.

And in fact, the real breakthrough came when Paul McKenna started set up the thing in 2013 in the UK, and he it's really almost laughable to think about it. I basically, I spoke for two days. And you know, we needed facilitators, like we have in our training to to treat the trainees. And there was no one who was trained. So the night before the the conference in 2013, Paul brought 10 of his good friends who were either EFt'ers tears or EMDR'ers or hypnotherapists into a room.

And I taught them how to Haven and haven me and I just did 10 people right in a row says this is how you do it is how you do it when you're when we're training these people. And so we had 10 people who had never seen Havenin before using it on people who'd never experienced it before. And I am the only one who knows what's going on.

So and it was it was a smashing success. And when it was the demos were mind blowing. And and

Susanna Sweeney:  

  as they still are.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

And it was just and then- the most extraordinary thing happened. People came up and wanted to take pictures with me And I go, you want to take pictures with me? Why do you want to take pictures with me? 

Susanna Sweeney:  

A breakthrough moment really...

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

And I go- you wants to take a picture of me? I said, Why do you want a picture of me? And Paul said to me, Ron, it just this has just become unstoppable. Get used to having your picture taken. And he's always been an absolute gem and helping promote us throughout the world.

Susanna Sweeney:  

And you know, I think he is absolutely right. And he's certainly when I saw the just to share it up piece with you. When I saw the Havening training advertised, certainly seeing him say this is the future of therapy, certainly made a difference also in my decision to attend.

So I expect it would be like that for a lot of people. The fact that he is backing this, and that he is so enthusiastic about Havening, will certainly have drawn many people into this world. I think that's actually true.

And I think he is 100% right, you know, after. So I'm, I've only been involved in this world now for short while about what is it about three months, since I took my initial training, and I am a complete convert I've never seen, if I may say so I've never seen anything like it in the world of trauma. It's absolutely highly efficient. In terms of the results it gets. The results are thorough, it is reliable. It can laser target issues, never seen anything like is 

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

...and it is also gentle...

Susanna Sweeney:  

...and extremely gentle while also being extremely powerful. It's a good combination...

It's an incredible combination. Yeah. So...

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

So that was the I was so so, so interesting to me that I people would ask questions. This is back in 2013. Now, so I had a question. They said so they say Dr. ruden. So how is it possible? You can short trauma and and provide hopeful and informational stuff and growth with the same technique? How is it possible that that same technique can do both things. And my brilliant dancers was, I don't know. I hadn't saw that piece yet. And, and we hadn't solved many pieces back in 2013. And but but now we've basically got pretty much the science under under control,

Susanna Sweeney:  

...and other walks is very unique because when you look at other forms of therapy, most things that you see were basically a chance discovery, like EMDR or just somebody inventing a method for no reason, essentially. But I've never seen a method that's so thoroughly underpinned with science. as yours is

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

We are, we have more science, the thing which amuses me is they call Havening alternative or complimentary, but we have more science behind it, then does psychotherapy psychopharmacol, psychopharmacology, hypnosis, EMDR we have more science behind it in any therapeutic modality, there is in existence and we are considered alternative. I find that just amusing.

Well, what can you do? We it will take time, it'll take another five years until this becomes mainstream, and that's okay. And in the beginning, if you have, look, the truth be told we have about 340 certified practitioners now- people who have taken the training done the requirements for certification.

If this became popular, all of a sudden we wouldn't have enough people trained to handle the worldwide trauma that we have. Here. We you know, we sent a we sent a group to Lesbos, and they were 500,000 Syrians in camps, who were traumatized. And how do you even begin to treat that with with the four people we sent over? This? It's overwhelming. No, we it's it's good to take your time.

And it's good to get, you know, the backing of people and actually what happened was it just another backstory. Neil Greenberg, who was at one of the great universities in London, And to other people went to the military, to see if we could get this into the military. Because we thought that not only could we treat the trauma, we could also prevent the traumatization, or the PTSD.

And, and, and they were absolutely shut down. They were they were they were, they were ridiculed by the military. Wow. And this was really unfortunate, because it just took the people who were involved with it it made and these are people who had big reputations, and made them take a step back. And, and but it will, it's like anything else, you know, if you if you believe in something hard enough, and you know, it's right, nothing will stop you. Right.

Susanna Sweeney:  

So in, say in your working week, not because you're you're still running a very busy practice. So in your working week, how much of a percentage does Havening take up?

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

Well, I am I am, I am coming toward the end of my medical practice years, I have practiced close to 40 years in medicine, I think the time is coming very soon when I will let some other people take the mantle. There are many wonderful medical doctors in the world who can do what I do in medicine. But there are- no one in the world who can do what I do in terms of Havening and bringing this out to the world.

So the time has come when I very shortly, when I'm going to focus and I have to rewrite the book, again, with all the new information and all the stuff which we've learned about how touch works, about resilience training, about growth Havening about all the detailed mechanisms by which this thing works.

Now we really have detailed mechanisms. And so that we can bring this to the world and begin to teach this as a standalone or, as we have already said, Havening and could be used with other therapeutic interventions as well. It works beautifully with hypnosis, it works beautifully with talk therapy, it works beautifully. It can be used as a bolt on to any sort of therapeutic modality you want to choose. So we are very excited about the future, and so the present will take care of itself.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes, and tell me this question. interests me, because I always try things out on myself. So I'm curious, have you used Havening for your own personal growth? And if so, in what ways have you benefited? 

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

  Very good question. I, I'm one of the very fortunate people who've had very little trauma in my life. I was born under a lucky star, I don't know. But I don't use it that much on myself. And I'm, that's honest. Sometimes when I'm stressed at work, I will, I will distress myself with a little little haven thing.

nd you know, sometimes the stories you hear even the non hating stories about people's lives can be very stressful. There's a lot of suffering in this world. And, and as a physician, I hear a lot of suffering. And you can only sometimes take in so much. And then you need to take a step back and heal yourself a little bit. So frankly, most of this stuff has been used for self down regulation of my own stress.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yes. Which is, which is a fantastic piece to do. Because essentially, when you are and I believe you're dealing with a lot of trauma clients, so you're your frontline, really, and you're getting a lot of the brunt of the trauma, it would rub off on practitioners.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

One of the things which I've learned so much in doing this work is initially people just want to be validated for their trauma. They want to tell this story and then be validated. Sometimes, we don't need to do that sometimes we can do it with content free. Sometimes people are ashamed or embarrassed about things and content free, but many times people want to tell their story.

And so what I do is I use Havening which is called talk transpirational Havening. And I let them tell this story. And as they're telling the story, we are actually healing them. And I'm self Havening at the same time. So is a very wonderful approach because you need to people want to be validated and be heard and this goes and you know, do this. So to answer your question...

Susanna Sweeney:  

It helps the client and at the same time, it's gentle on the practitioner...

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

It saves the practitioner from very carius traumatization. Yes, allows you to practice, otherwise you will be in you will bring home a lot of trauma.

In fact, what's really interesting when we studied the the law enforcement agencies that police officers, they often would come home and have no release of this trauma, and they would come home, hypervigilant, and then they would withdraw, they would turn on the TV's zoned out, withdraw from their families.

And this is not necessary. This is we can we can make it so that they can release this trauma in a preventative sort of way. And they can come home as whole people as opposed to coming home people who've been traumatized by their day's work.

I mean, there's many, many things, which we can do. And I'm hoping that over the course of the next five years, we get the opportunity to do these things, it will come look, it's an idea. We know it works. We know it's amazing and powerful. And so it's just a matter of time till it becomes part of the world we live in. But I'd like to be around to see it.

Susanna Sweeney:  

I'm certain you will be. Listen, Dr. Ruden, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day. You, you might just point interested viewers a little bit more, there's a little bit of scientific research now starting to come out about the efficacy of halvening. Not right, you might just point people in that direction.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

We have some papers which are- have been reviewed, which have astonishing results on on resilience training and and, and how powerful it is for positive effects on resilience. And we're working we're going to be working on one of my interests now, which had which is full circle, is to bolt on havening, to the 12 step programs, to see if we can improve outcomes of addictive behaviors.

That will be really exciting. We have a couple other things working for cancer survivors. Oh, it's fascinating to think that when someone survives cancer, they're cured. But they are often left with emotional needs, which go unmet. And so there, there are many things which are just untouched, because up until now, we haven't had a good method by which we could approach these things gently, thoughtfully, thoroughly. And now we do. Yes, and we have good science behind it.

So hopefully, other people will take up the mantle, we have a group run by Kim, some on on birth. And for mothers who are parents who are going through pregnancies and like and even during we're using it during birthing. And you know, it is my view that every child, once it's born, should be just given back to the mother unless there's a medical emergency involved, and let the mother haven the child to know it's safe.

And that will save a lot of birth trauma stuff and those who think that that birth is not a traumatic event or are fundamentally incorrect. It is a it is a highly it is what I you know, suffering occurs because of loss of attachment. And, and birth is the greatest loss of attachment- unrequested that a human being can experience or I or I call it the unrequested detachment.

Susanna Sweeney:  

Yeah, that's a good way of putting. So listen, we could go on talking for a long time.  I really appreciate your time, we might go into more depth at another stage. But I think we have given our viewers a great overview of the Havening world and what's it's all about. So thank you so much.

Dr. Ronald Ruden:  

And thank you for taking this forward in the way you do I have a feeling you're going to be a great ambassador for Havening.

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Lernen Sie eines der modernsten und faszinierendsten Verfahren zur Auflösung von Traumasymptomen, Angstzuständen, chronischen Schmerzen und anderen Blockaden und zur Stärkung von inneren Ressourcen. Bequem von zu Hause- online.

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Find out why Havening touch works so well and how to perform it at home to calm difficult emotions in minutes and build resilience.

Havening Therapy Compared to Psychotherapy

Find out how the lesser known Havening Techniques®  compares to psychotherapy.

Dr. Ronald Ruden Havening

Dr. Ruden, Co-Creator of Havening in Interview with Susanna Sweeney discussing the history, philosophy and future of Havening Techniques.

Self Havening- How to use this Powerful Self Help Tool for Best Benefit

Find out how Self Havening could help you change your life for the better , and learn how to use it the right way so that you can get maximum benefit.

Does Havening Work?

See the science and watch a client testimonial to see the amazing results Havening produces.

What is Havening?

What is Havening? Find out about this cutting edge therapy modality that can help you with a vast range of issues including anxiety, low mood, low esteem, chronic pains, migraines and more

Havening Techniques- Interviews with the Founding Fathers

Meet Dr. Ron and Dr. Steve Ruden, founders of the Havening Techniques®, who- in two in-depth interviews, disclose the fascinating story of how this cutting edge psychosensory modality was developed.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Dr. Ronald Ruden. Please use the social comments below to let our community know what you have learned.


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  3. Dr. Ronald Ruden- Havening Techniques® Co-Creator in Interview