Mind Power Techniques for Mastering Your Emotions

By Susanna Sweeney, MSC, MBACP, CHT

Mind power techniques for mastering your emotions will enable you to navigate emotional challenges effectively so that you will be free to focus on what is important to you in your life, including your long term goals.

mind power techniquesOnce you learn mind power techniques for mastering your emotions, you will no longer need to deny them- rather you can master them.


This article is written as a comprehensive guide. It includes practical exercises which, taken together, form a free course that will help you become the master of your emotions.

I will teach you nine powerful mind power techniques for mastering your emotions. All are tried and tested from many years of client work. I am giving them to you for free here because I believe everyone should know these simple mind power techniques so that they can become more empowered.

Working through this guide step by step and putting the techniques in practice will help you to change your life as you become better and better at understanding and mastering your emotions.

I recommend you bookmark this page now so that you can come back to it again and again as you are working through the exercises and implementing changes.

This article also includes two free mind power techniques PDF files- two printables that you can stick on your fridge or put into your journal where you can view them daily.

  • The first printable teaches you how to extend your emotional vocabulary
  • The second printable teaches you to connect emotions to body sensations with a sensation vocabulary list. The sensation part will be new to most of you and I recommend you get this list and work with it even if you feel you already have an extended emotional vocabulary.

There are Times When Your Emotions Will Lie to You

Mastering your emotions is one of the most difficult challenges in personal work. 

Often, emotions contain valuable information for you that can help you navigate areas like decision making and relationship building very effectively as you become a master at perceiving and making sense of your emotions.

However, there is another side to emotions. Emotions don't always tell you the absolute truth. This is particularly true when you are dealing with very intense negative emotions such as anger and fear.

You will have had experiences where your emotions were so intense that they dominated your reality for the period of time you felt them. This intensity can come on so fast that it is hard to stay grounded in the face of it. When intense, emotions feel very real. Often, they can be all consuming- and then we assume that what we feel is 100 percent real. Read on to find out why this is not so.

Typically we assume that our emotions were triggered by outside events. But this is not always the whole story. 

For example:

  • Something your boss said or did triggered fear in you.
  • Your wife said something you didn't want to hear and you felt angry.

This version of events misses a crucial part of the picture- our underlying subconscious mind programming, which- more often than not, forms the lens through which we perceive the world around us. 

For example:

  • You feeling fear after something your boss said may be coloured by a past experience. For example, your father may have shouted at you often when you were young. Hence, the intensity of the fear you feel now may well be stemming from how being shouted at felt for you as a young child.
  • You feeling angry after something your wife said that you didn't want to hear may well be related to a past experience, too. For example, there may have been an authority figure who was very controlling and told you what to do all the time. When your wife speaks to you, what you really hear is their voice rather than hers.

In other words, where we typically attribute our emotions to an external trigger (boss or wife in this example) they are often largely determined by an internal trigger (past experience). This internal trigger often makes emotions particularly intense.

  • If there was no internal trigger, you may not feel quite so afraid after your bosses comments. Instead, you would be in touch with feeling good about yourself, knowing the your own value in your work organisation. You may respond assertively, instead.
  • If there was no internal trigger, you may not feel quite so angry about what your wife said or did- you may instead feel neutral or, perhaps mildly annoyed.

mind power techniquesMind power techniques address all stages of the emotional process encompassing both brain and body.

Dealing With Your Emotions is Difficult

Because the two types of triggers, internal and external, are so hard to separate and identify- dealing with emotions is very hard and quite difficult. When we miss the point that the intensity of our emotions can lie to us, we are likely to let our emotions run the show. 

If we let anger run the show:

  • We may have an angry outburst that we regret later. 
  • We may attribute blame where there is none. 
  • We may accuse some one of something that they didn't do. 

If we let fear run the show:

  • We may hide away rather than speak our truth.
  • We may limit ourselves.
  • We may  not dare to do that thing we have always wanted to do.
  • We may stay in an abusive situation rather than do what's good for us.

This is where mind power techniques for mastering your emotions come in.

Do Your Emotions Really Involve Your Brain?

The current take in the scientific community is that yes, your emotions involve your brain.

Think about it: when you view events happening in the present through the lens of internal triggers that are shaped by your subconscious memories (as described above) what actually happens is that the emotion you then feel is produced by your subconscious mind. The origin of the emotion is in your mind.

You might not remember the internal trigger consciously, but your subconscious mind does- and the intensity of the emotional charge is determined by how deeply the past event affected you- more so than by what is actually happening in the present.

Therefore, my mind power techniques include techniques that target emotions right at the source in order to create change.  

A few milliseconds after the emotion is triggered you will start noticing the emotional charge. This is usually perceived in the body rather than the brain. Therefore, my mind power techniques extend to working with emotions in the body. It all gets at the same thing- bringing you on the road to mastering your emotions.

Overall, my mind power techniques draw on a variety of approaches including psychotherapy, body work, hypnotherapy, EFT and more which I have accumulated in my many years of working in the field. These techniques are tried and tested and I use them in my client work- as well as for my own personal work- so please be assured that these techniques work. If you follow the steps laid out, they will work for you, too.

Ground Rules for Learning Mind Power Techniques for Mastering Your Emotions

My mind power techniques for mastering emotions cannot work without these ground rules.

  1. The first ground rule is this. If you have skipped over the introduction right down to this section- please go back and make sure to read the introduction. Without understanding the concepts presented there, you won't get the best from the techniques on their own.
  2. The second ground rule is that if you tend to deny or minimize emotions in order to manage them- you must work through this piece first and change it. Emotions have to be acknowledged and felt if you want to get anywhere with this guide. I will give you instructions shortly on how to perceive them if that part is hard for you.
  3. Ground rule number three is to please work through this guide step by step and to take your time completing the exercises. It is only in this way that you can expect to see substantial changes in your life.
  4. The fourth and last ground rule is that, as much as you may be tempted to, you cannot skip the next section on self care. (Warning you ahead of time). This is because mastering your mind power without caring for your brain is setting yourself up for failure from the start. Do it right, give yourself a good chance- because you deserve it.

I suggest you make a commitment to yourself now to adhere to these four ground rules before you move on.

mind power techniquesSelf care for your brain is vital- mind power techniques won't work without it.

Mind Power Techniques for Brain Self Care

(This is the section not to skip!) 

I have written a comprehensive article on what you must do first when you intend on mastering your mind power

As well as the items mentioned in that article, essential self care for efficient brain functioning includes avoiding recreational drugs, being conscious of your alcohol intake, eating a balanced, healthy diet, limiting caffeine intake, taking the right supplements for your brain as well as getting exercise and adequate amounts of sleep. 

Furthermore, emotional self care includes getting more control in life, for example by removing yourself from any abusive situations you may be exposed to. It also includes getting regular relaxation, for example through mindfulness practice, yoga, or hypnosis and meditation.

Exercise #1 Self Care Check List

Using your notebook or phone app, take about ten minutes where you will be undisturbed. 

Get completely honest with yourself about self care. 

Going through the self care items in the section above, which are critical items in your life? 

Are there any other items that are not on featured here which you know are a self care issue for you?

  1. Write a list of all these items.
  2. Rate your quality of self care for each of the items on your list on a scale from 0-10 with 10 being optimal and 0 being completely inadequate. 
  3. Then, go through the list again and identify how you can improve your self care for each of these items.
  4. Set a timeline for improving each item.
  5. Finally, put a commitment to yourself in writing that you will work through improving self care in these areas. Treat your list as a to-do list and tick off items as you go.
  6. Come back to this list once a week. Each time you do, note down the date, rate yourself for each item and write down in sentence form what has improved and which area could do with more attention.

Well done!

Getting self care in place first is like building a foundation for a house. Of course you know that you cannot build a house without a foundation- it will collapse. 

Often, getting these self care items in place first, will resolve a good chunk of the perceived problem. For example, high caffeine intake and lack of sleep can cause someone to feel excessive anger. Reducing caffeine and catching up with sleep will very likely reduce the emotional charge and will make dealing with the anger (for example with the help of anger hypnosis) much easier.

Mind Power Techniques for Identifying Emotions

In order to work with emotions, the first skill you need to develop is to identify and describe them. The first of my mind power techniques will help you to grasp this concept.

Exercise #2 Identifying Emotions in the Body

Take out a notebook and pen, or use your favorite notes app. 

Set aside five to ten minutes where you will be undisturbed.

Think back over your last week.

Make a note of incidents where you know you felt emotions.

For each incident, answer the following questions:

  1. What was the emotion you felt? 
  2. Try to be as precise as possible. Work on expanding your emotional vocabulary to get as detailed a picture as you possibly can. I have a free download available of a printable emotion vocabulary list, please feel free to use it. It gives you a very detailed emotional vocabulary. mastering this language will help you greatly in coming to terms with emotions. You can stick it on your fridge for daily reference. 
  3. On a scale from 0-10 with 10 being the most intense and 0 being no emotion, how intense was the feeling?
  4. Where in your body did you feel that emotion? How does your body tell you this emotion is present? Or, in other words, what body sensations underlie this emotion? (Sensations are always present. Listen in and get to know yourself- find out how your body handles them.)  If you cannot answer these questions right now, don't worry. With my free sensation vocabulary list, you will find a menu of possible body sensations you may perceive. Keep practicing and you will soon be able to identify some body sensations that go with each emotion.  
  5. Do all of the above in the spirit of mindfulness: you don't have to change anything- just notice what is.

Follow these guidelines while practicing:

  • This exercise is a big piece of work in itself. Depending on how in touch you already are or aren't with your emotions, you may have to practice this for quite some time until you get accurate results. 
  • Stick with it, your brain will eventually get the concept. It's all about conditioning your brain to perceive what is going on in your body. Practice regularly and you will succeed. 
  • Repeat this exercise until you can perceive emotions clearly and identify how they present in your body. How emotions present in the body is very individual. You will identify your own unique pattern. Trust your perception.
  • There is no right and no wrong here. Just notice what you perceive and don't judge it in any way. 
  • Regular journaling along with this exercise will help you to keep track of your progress.

Exercise #3  Listening to Your Emotions Daily

Often, your emotions can be a valuable source of information. Your intuition, for example, may communicate in the form of emotions. You may not know in your intellect that a particular situation or person is not good for you, but your emotions may be crying out. 

This exercise will teach you to appreciate your emotions and to identify the positive they are bringing into your life.

Make your journal  or notes app your best friend while working towards mastering your emotions. Set aside five to ten minutes a day when you are undisturbed.

Take note of your emotions as you notice them, not attempting to change them at all.

Appreciate the gift of each emotion:

  • What does this emotion tell me?
  • What is the true value of this emotion?
  • In what specific ways does this emotion serve me?

Summary so far:

You have now made friends with your emotions, are able to identify and describe them better. You now understand how each emotion can be felt on a body sensation level, are becoming comfortable with naming body sensations as they arise, and you have learned to pinpoint how your emotions often communicate useful information to you.

You are now ready for some more complex mind power techniques.

mind power techniquesMind power techniques can help you to overcome the dominance of negative emotions.

Mind Power Techniques for Containing the Emotional Charge

If you experience very intense emotions you will need to reduce high emotional charge before being able to work with them. Reducing the emotional charge is probably the most critical and also the most difficult mind power technique to learn. 

In order to be able to do this you have to first of all accept that your emotions are not always right- or, at minimum that their intensity can be out of proportion. If you find this hard, please re-read the piece in the introduction on how emotion will lie to you.

Once you have understood and accepted that emotions will lie to you, you have to learn two even more difficult steps.

  1. Firstly, you have to learn to catch yourself in the moment as the emotions are intense while admitting to yourself that they are out of proportion. 
  2. Secondly, you have to find a way to reduce the charge because speaking or acting while they are intense rarely serves your goals in life.

The following exercises will help you to develop the required self awareness around emotions as well as teach you tools you can use to reduce high emotional charge.

Exercise #4 Identifying Your Patterns of Emotional Override

This exercise will help you to identify your own particular patterns of emotional override.

Set aside five to ten minutes every day and use your journal or notes app. 

Answer these questions:

  • When you experience an intense emotion, be honest with yourself.
  • Is this emotion in proportion to what actually happened, or is it out of proportion, i.e. too intense in relation to the event that occurred?
  • What are the exact circumstances when you experience emotional override?

Summary so far:

Now you have learned to identify your emotions, to appreciate the positive qualities they are bringing into your life, and you have started to get to know some of your triggers that send you into emotional override. 

This next section will teach you ways to get excessive emotional charge under control.

Mind Power Techniques for Mastering Heightened Emotional Charge

Why is it important to bring the emotional charge under control? Good question.

  • Speaking or acting while you are angry, afraid or very emotional will rarely do you any favors. 
  • You may make decisions you regret later. 
  • You may violate boundaries or social conventions.
  • You may do yourself a disservice by making yourself too vulnerable in public.

You are much better off taking some time out first to get the emotional charge under control. 

There is no Need to be Afraid of Your Emotions

The crucial thing here that I want you to understand is that there is no need to be afraid of intense emotions as such. emotions will always run their course. They arise, become stronger, then eventually peak and later abate. 

There is always a beginning, a middle and an end to this process. Sometimes, holding this knowledge in the back of your mind can be enough to help you trust that the emotion will settle down before too long.

Other times, you may need a little bit more help. 

What follows are two mind power techniques that are designed to help you contain and reduce emotional charge. After you have practiced these for a while you can use them in situations where you experience intense negative emotions to contain your feelings and to reduce the charge to bring it to a point where you can process the emotion safely.

Over the next few days, try out each of the following two techniques for managing your emotional charge. See how each one works for you. Then, integrate at least one of them into your daily practice. I promise it will be worth the effort. 

mind power techniquesFinger holds help reduce excessive emotional charge.

Exercise #5 Finger Holds 

Here is an excellent self help tool I have been teaching clients for a few years now- finger holds. 

These finger holds are:

  • Easy to practice
  • Can be practiced even in public
  • Are a powerful emotional processing tool
  • Will help you come back from emotional override.

These finger holds are part of a set of techniques taught by the international self help organisation Capacitar. Find them here, along with other easy-to-learn skills taken from similar systems of alternative medicine and therapies.


  1. The graphic shows you which finger is associated with which emotion. Use this guide to help you decide which finger to hold, or which finger to start with as sometimes you may have to hold more than one before you get a result.
  2. Now hold this finger with all of the fingers of the other hand forming a fist around it. Squeeze the finger quite firmly. Pay attention to your body sensations. You may notice tingling, buzzing or simply something that feels like an energy moving. Pay attention when it feels like the process is complete.
  3. Move on to another finger if you feel you require more balancing of emotions.

Try out these finger holds first before you rely on them in highly charged emotional states. You can use them while settling in bed at night before you go to sleep. Independent of how you are feeling, hold every finger and work your way through the fingers two or three times. Notice how your body sensations change as you do that.

Exercise #6 Tracking Emotions in the Body

A second very useful skill that will help keep emotional charge under control is to track emotions in the body.

Using the skills you developed in Exercise #1 where you learned to identify emotions in the body, you simply focus on the sensations you identify. You keep track of them as they become bigger or smaller, change in nature or stay the same for some time.

What will tracking sensations do for you?

Tracking emotions as body sensations only will take attention away from the highly charged thoughts attached to the heightened emotional state. 

By removing attention from emotions and thoughts while you are in this state, you are actually taking control of your mind. You are consciously choosing to disregard the thoughts that you know will lead to further emotional override and possible overwhelm. Instead, you are tracking the state on the neutral ground of body sensations where the intensity becomes much more bearable.

Developing this skill will take some practice. Consciously try it out next time you feel some emotional charge. It works for any emotion and can be particularly useful for anxiety self help when working to ward off a panic attack, and for depression self help when feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions.

mind power techniquesYou can overcome the dominance of negative emotions with mind power techniques.

What Other Ways are There for You to get Some Distance From Intense Negative Emotions?

  • Both hypnosis and meditation are useful for helping you to quickly regain a state of emotional equilibrium after emotional upset- and with practice even to keep a cool head in the midst of a charged situation.
  • Anger hypnosis in particular may be useful if you find that anger gets in the way of your inner peace.
  • Learning mind power techniques for problem solving can help a great deal because often, unresolved problems can be at the root of negative emotions.
  • Removing some chronic emotional issues with anxiety hypnosis, depression hypnosis or hypnosis for self esteem can help a great deal with everyday emotional mastery.
  • Ask someone you trust to act as an accountability partner for your emotional mastery. Ask them to give you straight-up feedback when they notice you engaging in self destructive emotions or behavior.
  • Take control of your inner self talk, consciously steering it in a positive and nurturing direction. To understand why this is important, read my article "Does Self Hypnosis Work?" It explains in detail the impact that self talk has on your well being. 

Mind Power Techniques for Making Sense of Intense Negative Emotions

Having learned to identify your emotions in the body, to appreciate them, view them critically for exaggerated intensity and having also learned two skills that will help master excessive emotional charge- you are now ready to analyse your emotions further.

More often than not, every intense charge of negative emotions we experience as an adult, has its root somewhere in the distant past- in our subconscious mind programming.

mind power techniquesLearn mind power techniques so you can re-categorize and re-evaluate arising negative emotions and stay in relationship with others.

Exercise # 7 Reinterpreting Situations That Carry a High Emotional Charge

The next exercise will help you to get curious about what is behind the emotional intensity you are experiencing.

Set aside a time slot once a week or so to reflect on each incident of high emotional intensity you experienced during the previous week. 

Journal on the following questions:

  1. Make a note of the patterns of intense negative emotions you identified earlier.
  2. Why do you think you experience such intense emotions in certain circumstances? 
  3. Is there anything in your early life this situation reminds you of? Allow your mind to drift back as far as you can. 
  4. Use any memories that may come up to help you make sense of the patterns you identify. The memories may help you get a better understanding why you experience such intense emotions in similar situations as an adult.
  5. When you felt high emotional intensity, was there any way in which you may have been misinterpreting the situation? For example, if the intensity was brought about by conflict, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes. What are they trying to achieve? What pressures might they be under? What is their situation and their point of view? 
  6. Also make a note of how you are feeling while writing about these questions. Do these feelings you are experiencing right now help you make better sense of the situation?
  7. And, most importantly- is there any alternative way in which you may be able to make sense of this situation now?

How do you feel about each pattern now? Has your perspective changed?

If your perspective has not changed yet, repeat the exercise again in a few days, until you can see things from a distance with fresh eyes. Mastering this task of re-evaluation is the most difficult mind power technique to learn. Be patient with yourself- it may take time.

Mind Power Techniques for Fostering Positive Emotions

One of the biggest benefits of practicing mind power techniques for mastering your emotions is that mastering your emotions will free up your energy to move your life towards success.

This is how it works.

  • Once you shed chronic negative emotions such as rage and fear or anxiety, they will be replaced by positive emotions such as joy, love, calm and inner peace. 
  • With that, your inner self talk will become more positive. 
  • Positive self talk will produce positive thoughts, beliefs and ideas.
  • You are then free to view the world differently- as a place full of opportunities, rather than a negative place full of limitations and lack.
  • Your energy will get a boost and you might soon find dreams, plans or visions flooding your mind of things you would like to achieve, accomplish or experience.
  • These thoughts will come charged with excitement and joy, yet more positive feelings. And feeling predominantly positive emotions will much increase your chances of positive things actually coming your way. This is because the emotional state you radiate will be reflected back to you by the outside world.

Have you ever experienced how beautifully things can flow when you are having a good day? It's just like that. When you smile at people, spread an energy of kindness and helpfulness, sooner or later, doors will start to open for you, and unprecedented opportunities will arise.

What can you do so you can get there faster?

Here are two mind power techniques to help you cultivate positive emotions to change your life for the better.

mind power techniquesMind power techniques will help you to cultivate positive emotions.

Excercise #8  Visualization for Positive Emotions

Often, when there are negative emotions around, these come with loaded negative fantasies. anger based fantasies may run you through what destruction you may cause if there were no social rules (such as damaging your supervisor's car), while fear or anxiety based fantasies will play visions of negative things that may happen to you (such as everyone turning against you).

A good way to deal with these negative visualizations is by overwriting them with positive imagery.

Take out your journal or use your notes app. Plan about 20 minutes for this. 

Read through the instructions below, then close your eyes and visualize the imagery that is right for you at each step. Take notes in your journal describing every detail. You will then use these notes to learn the visualization by heart so you can bring yourself on this journey any time, at will.

Guidelines for this visualization: 

Close your eyes and find a beautiful, safe place. This may be a place you know, or a place you invent. Go into as much detail as you can describing the place. Describe everything you see, all colours, features and so on. Describe any smells or sounds. Describe how being in this place makes you feel focusing on the positive emotions this place evokes in you.

After spending some time in this place looking around and enjoying the positive feelings you will notice a person or being approaching you. They are sending out positive energy and they come with positive intentions. Take detailed notes on how it feels to see them. Describe the person or being in detail and make notes in your notebook.

This being or person is your guide, or your higher self. As they come close, you will immediately feel supported by them. You will feel stronger. You can now tell them about the negative feelings you were experiencing. Take your time to describe your experience to them. 

Then ask them if they have a message for you. Listen to the message carefully and write it down in your notebook. Thank the guide for the message. Recite this message back to yourself a few times. As you do, notice your emotions and body sensations, taking note of the contrast to what you were feeling before.

Use this visualization whenever you want to move away from negative emotions. With practice, you will be able to evoke positive feelings quickly. If there was a strong emotional charge, the negative emotion may not be gone altogether, but at least you will have something positive to contrast it to, and a message which may help you with the next steps.

Exercise #9 Movement for Positive Emotions

As a body centered psychotherapist, working with movement is one of my favorite ways of achieving change. Movement is far under rated. It can open the door to previously untapped inner resources and clear your mind. I rate movement as a powerful mind power technique.

Here is a simple exercise to get your energy moving. Take about five minutes. Find a place where you will be undisturbed. Put on one of your favorite songs. Allow your body to move to the music in any way it wants. You don't have to perform. You don't have to dance in a way that looks good or pretty. 

Instead, let your body dictate what movement happens first, second, third and so on. Just allow your body to find the way. You may find it wants to stretch. Allow it to stretch. You may find it wants to jump. Allow it to jump.

At the end of the song close your eyes and scan your body for sensations and emotions. Notice the difference to before the exercise. Take a note in your notebook. You can repeat this exercise as often as you like. 

What Else can You do to Cultivate Positive Emotions?

  • Consciously practice gratitude. At least one day per week, write a gratitude list into your journal. What in your life are you grateful for? Focus largely on the kinds of things that money can't buy. As you write down the items you are grateful for, pay attention to how you feel. typically, feeling grateful will open up heart based emotions of calm, peace, appreciation, gratitude and love.
  • Volunteering and giving back is a great way to evoke positive emotions- when you do something that is meaningful to you and helpful for someone else.
  • Meet friends who you have a genuinely deep connection with- meet them regularly and spend quality time. Notice how such meaningful social contact makes you feel.
  • Find books that are meaningful to you and that you enjoy reading- designate some reading time every week. Notice how delving into the imagination and being drawn into another reality when reading can give you a break and a different perspective on your own life.
  • Practice random acts of kindness- deciding to help a stranger in a situation where you can easily help. Giving unexpected presents, saying kind words, being generous with your time- whatever works for you in the moment. Notice how giving out kindness makes you feel better as well.
  • Cultivate positive experiences doing the things you enjoy, seeking out adventures and fun. All the better if you have the company of loved ones or close friends to share the memories you create.
  • Having interests that focus your energy and make you feel excited is a great way to cultivate positive emotions. Do you have a hobby? A favorite activity outside work? If not, why not go and explore some evening courses in your local area and see what you may be interested in.
  • Working towards long term goals in your life in a focused way can help you to maintain positive feelings in the long run. Keeping the goal in the back of your mind at all times will help you to stay focused and hopeful, holding a positive expectancy while you are taking action, moving closer and closer to your goal every day.

Learn Other Mind Power Techniques

Find out More About Self Hypnosis

Change Your Life With Self Hypnosis

You now have a comprehensive guide to help you build mind power techniques for mastering you emotions. Please take your time working through the exercises. learning takes time- you will cut yourself short if you only practice them once or twice.

Come back here in a few days, read through the article and each exercise again, put in practice more of the exercises. Integrate them into your daily practice. When you take the time and do that-stand back and watch your life change for the better.

In the comments below let our community know how you are getting on.

Here is to your success and well being.



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